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You REALLY Don't Have to Read This

2:18 AM

Again, I could very well be asleep, but here we find ourselves! This isn't the most recent time I've been up with thoughts, but my computer has been out of comish for almost a week now so a few things had to go unsaid! So I'm sorry!...(Or maybe you're welcome? I'm not quite sure).

I can already tell that titling these is going to be difficult for me. These posts are taking on a very "stream of consciousness" esq. vibe...I'm not quite sure how to title that.

I’m also really not sure what to write right now. How many forms of the word “right” are there? There is Right as in the direction, right as in correct, write as in what I’m doing now, and Wright as in the air plane people. I really hope that I spelled their name right, but if I didn’t I’m going to blame it on the fact that it is 2am.

I really apologize very greatly for this post. It was late (early), and I told myself that I would make this blog a thing whenever I was up at a weird time. I really didn’t have anything to write today. It’s okay if you skip reading this one. (I mean, if you read that you may as well continue because hey…you’ve gotten this far and you don’t want to feel that feeling you get when you decide not to finish something but then you are left wondering that if maybe, just maybe, you held out for a few more seconds it was going to get really interesting but you’ll never know because you didn’t finish it)

(I mean…I can promise that’s not the case but do what you feel)

I swear I will have more interesting, random, incoherent thoughts at another hour some time soon! I will set you free. Feel confident that you have read all of this and nothing exciting happened! (When FOMO keeps the readership alive!)

Good Night and Good Morning


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