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Radio Silence?

3:38 AM

Well, it certainly has been a while.

I do know that this well read blog has been relatively radio silent for the last few months. (Can a blog be “radio silent” because it isn’t the radio?). While I am sworn to absolute secrecy as to the reasoning behind that, I can give you the closest thing to a straight answer I can muster: options.


  1. I was witness to an international crime that was committed. I was then brought into the witness protection program in Iceland where I lived for several weeks. It was eventually discovered that the crime I had born witness to was actually a misunderstanding, and there is no such thing as a Misunderstanding Protection Program, so here I am once again.


B. I have been really lazy.

I leave it up to you to siphon out which is the truth. In the mean time, we will get back to my scatterbrained, three am consciousness or, rather, subconciousness. Did that make sense? Honestly, I don’t think it did. I’m going to leave it there, but I would like you all to share in wondering wether or not that makes sense.

I would like to readdress this whole thing about radio silence, because I was reading back up at the top of the page and…

(“But I thought the whole thing was that you were just going to write and not proofread things—“

“Shut up, Richard! This is my blog and I can do whatever I want!”)

Sorry about that. Where were we?

Ah yes. What does radio silence mean? Like, was that an actual thing that people lisened to? Like a radio DJ would come on in the 1930s and be like “And you were just listening to Tic Tac by Kasha. Next up we have some radio silence!” And then everyone would sit there silently in the car. Even families who were going on driving trips would all be quiet to listen to the radio silence. The kid would be in the back of the car like,

“Dad, are we there —“

“Jimmy not now! Radio silence is on!”

(Also, if you are not reading these 1930s voices with the old timey radio announcer voice in your head, you have no business reading this blog please and thank you)

I also understand, that radio silence likely refers to how awkward it is when two people on the radio just suddenly go quiet because everyone knows the whole thing with radio is LITERALLY only just constant noise so if the noise stops that must mean that something is really wrong and things that are really wrong make situations really awkward which really just means that radio silence straight up just refers to an awkward situation.

But I’d rather think of it as a silent song.

So I will. I will live by this as fact. This is the basis of logic. I encourage all ( optimistically 2) of you to do the same.

On a different note, you may be wondering what has kept me up at this late hour (aside from the energy that seems to come and go as it pleases at every hour of the day or night like a dog with a dog door)

Okay wait. I lied, We are going to talk about this first. Why do some dogs have dog doors? That’s so much freedom. For a dog. And people get so scared when they can’t find their dogs for all of five minutes, and then you give them a DOOR. That they can OPERATE THEMSELVES. It just kind of feels like you're tempting fate on that one. I mean, I’m not judging…per say…I’m more….questioning? Also, a dog “door” really isn’t a door. It’s more of a flap.


You really have to wonder what defines a door. Is a door a structure that has a handle and can be opened and shut, or is it really anything that allows entry. You can have a doorway without a door if you have to take the door off its hinges that doesn’t mean the doorway stops being the doorway.

One time I had to take the door off it’s hinges because I got stuck in the bathroom at my house on the second floor and my family fed me a hammer through the open window and I hammered the door off it’s hinges and got out.

The other time I got stuck in the bathroom it was on the first floor so I took the screen off and climbed out the window.

Yeah…the doors in my house aren’t the best at being doors. They REALLY want to be walls.

Anyway, basically I wish I could say I have been up discovering a cure to cancer, but, if we are being honest, I really have to attribute a lot of this to Gossip Girl. It is a wonderful show. And you know it’s an old show because in the first episode Serena forgets her flip phone at home when she goes out, and that would NEVER happen today.

(“Woah! Good job calling out everyone who never gets off their phone! Society!

*Reaches up for high five*

“Richard so HELP ME. That’s NOT what I was trying to do, I was just…I…UGH. high five me anyway. *high fives* Now GET OUT AND LET ME WRITE”)

And on that note I should go continue to try to find a cure to cancer. And by that, I mean watch more Gossip Girl.

Good Night and Good Morning


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