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Snow Exciting!

3:24 AM

You know what’s better than a snow day? When a snow day is called for the next day the day before. Actually, okay, I’m not sure if that’s actually better than a snow day. I don’t think either one is better than the other. Waking up on a random morning to SNOW is A M A Z I N G, but knowing that I don’t have to rush to get everything done tonight leading into tomorrow is grand.

Snow days are great because they are the one day where nature has actually handed you an excuse to do NOTHING. Weekends are technically free time but because everyone knows that people are free on the weekends everyone plans things for the weekend so then no one is free! It’s very oxymoronic.

Side note: I love the word oxymoronic. It sounds like the world’s NERDIEST insult. Just imagine someone getting a math problem wrong or using the wrong form of “there”, and then another person turns to them and is all like “WOW! You’re such an oxyMORON!!” and then everyone goes “ooooooooo” (like how people all did in middle school when someone got called to go down to the office) I digress.


SNOW DAYS. The great thing about snow days is that because they are not originally free days so when they become free no one is ready to make you spend them doing anything. It’s like the best sale of time ever!

To clarify for anyone who is confused, there is a SNOW DAY TOMORROW! Well…I mean, I guess there is a snow day today because it is 3AM.

In honor of this wonderful, very needed snow day I had entire intentions to share a list of my top ten snow related puns. However, I’m very tired, my brain is dead, and I take puns incredibly seriously! I will have a night where I write only puns. It will probably accumulate over time, but it will be here. This is something that does not need this must explanation, but this has quickly become a paragraph.

Quick thought to leave the night off on because I want to make sure that the most recent article I share isn’t painfully boring: If any of the sesame street characters were to run for Presidential office who would you vote for and why? I would say either Big Bird or Bert and Ernie as President and Vice President. I think Big Bird seems really responsible and would make good choices that would benefit the nation, but I think Bert and Ernie would work really well together. I think as a team they would be able to find a middle ground that would make a people happy. I think they would fix the aggressive polarization of the nation.

That is all! Enjoy the snow day!

Good Night and Good Morning


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