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The Best Time to Do Laundry

3:00 AM

I always wonder why more people don’t do their laundry at 3am on Wednesday nights. I mean…all of the laundry machines are open. I don’t understand why more people don’t do this.

That’s a joke. I’m joking.

I don’t understand why I am up at 3am on a Wednesday night doing laundry. Wednesday has just become my laundry night which makes absolutely no sense because it is consistently the night where I come back to my room after 11 and then I start my laundry after that…I just feel like I didn’t really think this through when I made this the routine. I didn’t even mean to make it the routine. I don’t really choose my routine. My socks do, because when I run out of socks I have to do laundry and now it keeps hitting Wednesday and I only have aggressively tall knee socks and, surprisingly enough, you get weird looks when you wear hot-pink-converse-shoe-knee-socks-circa-the-dawn-of-time to the gym.

So laundry day is Wednesday.

And then part of the rebellious side of my brain is all like “You can just go to sleep and leave your clothes in the dryer for morning because who’s gonna do laundry that early?”

(I’m a total badass, I know. Try not to be intimidated, thanks.)

But then I can’t do that because I feel guilty and I don’t want to be that person where, like, you see the clothes in the dryer are done and you just really need to put your clothes in the dryer so you think about how long you think it’s been since the dryer stopped like maybe the person is on top of their timer so they are heading down the stairs because the only thing worse than moving someone’s clothes out of the dryer is getting caught moving someone’s clothes out of the dryer because at first you were annoyed because you thought they were being an asshole for leaving their clothes in an inconvenient place but NOW (plot twist) you’re the asshole because you are touching their stuff so it really ends up being a lose-lose.

So, long story short, I wait up until three when my laundry is done.

On the plus side, once the laundry is done I can write one of these which is fun! (For me at least. I apologize on behalf of all of the shameless plugging I will continue to do for this page :) )

I really do like being awake right now. Like, I’m tired, but I’m not as tired as I should be. Like, this is the same level of tired I do the day with (which probably wouldn’t be the case if I just chose a time I was going to sleep but pshhh). But now, because it feels like all of the work I had to do is crammed into the day, I can just sit in bed using my wall light to make shadow puppets while my roommate is asleep.

What. That was hypothetical. Obviously. Of course. Obviously.

At least the clothes are clean and out of the dryer! I am gonna walk a bit on the edge tonight and I’m gonna wait to fold them until the morning! Yeah! Take that! I’m gonna leave my newly clean clothes in the hamper over night! Take that!

(I’m trying to up my street cred…how am I doing?)

Good Night and Good Morning


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