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It's Begining to Look a lot like Spring Break

2:03 AM


A phrase such as that normally goes over better with some context so let me get there. 

I have not written in a million years and I CAN EXPLAIN (there we go) why. Could it be that I have finally realized the magic of sleep and have been sleeping from 8 - 8 like a grammar schooler?

HAHHAHH. Humor is fun. 

Instead it's that these past two weeks I have been so tired that when I wake up I just get angry with myself and I yell at myself in my brain to be asleep which doesn't really work because then my brain is loud and keeps me up but I eventually lose consciousness and regain it later (that's what sleep is really)...but yeah...that's where I've been at. 

But I am now back, and break is upon us! 

Break isn't so much a break. It just means I'm doing all of my work in a different place. 

Furthermore, there has been a HEAPTON of snow. Yes. I said a heapton. You know I'm not kidding around. The heapton of snow is a bit weird though because it is "Spring Break". 

I feel like in every college movie a huge deal is made out of "Spring Break" and everyone goes wild and crazy and such, but, as I live it in real life I can note that either no one has realized that mid-March is actually winter or that no spring-break-college-movie has ever been set in the Northeast. 

But never fret! No matter the blizzarding snow, this is still a wild spring break! I am definitely not spending it practicing potential stand up routines into an empty Poland Spring water bottle for an audience of one sibling. 

But I mean...if someone did that...that would be cool right? I mean they'd be Okay. Psh. Yeah. So lame. 

Well, another wild day full of Russian Literature and Shakespeare sonnets tomorrow. I mean *insert name of cool thing* (phew saved it)

Good Night and Good Morning


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