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Rain: From a Purely Scientific Standpoint

2:56 AM

I love being outside when it starts raining. There’s always that moment of confusion where your not sure if it’s raining or if a bird is spitting on you. And then, eventually, it stops being random drops of water and starts being rain. What’s weird though is that one raindrop has to be first. Like, there has to be a first one - one raindrop that drops and makes all the other raindrops fall with it. The first raindrop is like…in the example like “If all your friends jumped off of a bridge would you”, that first raindrop is the guy who made jumping off bridges cool.

Is rain before it falls considered raindrops or is it just like a sheet of rain? I mean…rain comes from clouds…I’m not a meteorologist…I should stop trying…

But back to this! What makes the first raindrop fall? Like, how does it work. One part of my brain wants to think that it’s a bunch of raindrops packed in super tightly, side by side in the clouds and then one of them eeks out and suddenly it’s total chaos.

(Disclaimer: If you actually know how rain works you should probably stop reading for this will probably serve to anger you immensely :D )

Or it’s that there is one raindrop who is a total show-off and is like “hey look what I can do” and bails and then everyone else wants to know where they went.

Also, I’ve always wondered where the…parameters (?)…of the rain are. Like, you know in the Hunger Games how each section in one of the games had different weather but if you got just over the line that would change? I’ve always thought of rain like that. (I know that it’s not right, but this is my blog.) I mean, I’ve always somehow pictured it that I’m somehow in the middle of the field of rain but someone somewhere is right on the line between where it’s raining and not raining - like they could have one leg in rain and one leg outside of it. I mean…that has to be the case to some capacity. It doesn’t rain everywhere all at once. It’s probably more of a gradient with a gradual slowing of rain then the wall of water that divides the area that’s in my head, but I still like to think that.

One time I want to find that place where the rain stops and jump back and forth over the line. I am perfectly aware that this doesn’t really exist but….shut up.

It was raining a little tonight. Not even that much - I was outside when it started, but the rain was so light once it really got going that I had to stop while I was outside to see if I saw it.

I think Oscar Wilde wrote in An Importance of Being Earnest “I don’t like it when people talk about the weather. It usually means they are talking about something else.” This quote is probably not entirely accurate. I’m on the computer. I could look it up…but I don’t want to! So, we are going to deal with close enough!

I’m not talking about anything else though…rain is just…interesting.

Tune in next time and I’ll describe to you how grass grows!

I’m kidding. Please come back. No, don’t leave —

Well, if you are still here, go to sleep! (And come back next time it won’t be about grass. Or will it)

Good Night and Good Morning


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