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Pretty Substantial Amount of Time


Time for the first post of the Summer! Well…I guess it’s the late Spring…but we are now on Summer break…it’s all relative I guess!

There comes this point where time seems to not really exist. I don’t mean that in some hyper-hippie-sentimental way (ew gross). I mean it as in there comes this point where I feel hyper productive but I’m also wasting all of my time by pacing in circles (not crazy circles, fun circles!), but the pacing is okay because I’m getting everything that I need to get done done!

You know what I’m doing right now? I’m watching Pretty Little Liars. A show that I started watching in 2010. A show that I started watching at the age of thirteen. A show that I started watching when Freeform was still ABC Family because they hadn’t yet realized that a network where it’s most popular show is about a group of girls who lie, manipulate, steal, (and never go to class???), probably shouldn’t be marketing itself as a family network.


This show is great.

It really is. And I feel no (some) shame in saying it! I’m not saying it’s great in the way that an actually great great show is, but from 13 to 20, this show is TERRIFYING. Like OH MY GOSH. And it’s the kind of fear where you’re like “Woah, bro…this is so dumb…what terrible—AHHH HOLY *)(*&)^&^(%(“

Also, it’s not a show that should be watched alone in the dead of night.


My brain feels like a very focused scrambled egg. You know? No? Allow me to explain!

I feel really focused. I can tell that my brain is incredibly alert and focused on something, but I don’t know what it is. I can’t figure it out, and because all of my focused energy is focused on this unclear but seemingly magnetic focal point…everything else that happens is just a whirl. It also means that my mouth is moving faster than my mind. That is one thing I’ll say…my mouth speaks my mind…but it does not filter it! AND THAT’S WHAT THIS IS FOR!

Alright, I’m going to continue burying myself in a show that has consumed a little under 50% of my life! It’s very exciting!!

Good Night and Good Morning


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