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Rationing the Crazy

2:20 AM

We have reached the end of May which means it is the time of year where, here in the Northeast, people loudly complain that it should be warmer by now.

I am one of those people. It should be warmer by now.

And that has been your incredibly accurate weather report with me. Thanks so much.

I understand that the premise of this blog is to record my quasi-sensical ramblings in the wee hours of the morning, but I’ve been beginning to wonder if I should give the things I write a little more direction so I don’t end up with tons of commentaries on what’s literally going on in the exact moment around me because it is fairly similar ever time and that’s no fun…

I am the exact opposite of a claustrophobic. I’m a claustropherless. (ha.ha. I find me funny). But I really like finding small “caves”. I’m thinking about this now as I lie in the bottom bunk of a bed with the top bunk making a roof thus making my bed a cave and it’s fun!

Like, I feel like I’d have so much fun as a contortionist! I mean… My bones have not been replaced with Floam, so I understand that isn’t necessarily the most stable of career persuits…But imagine being able to literally, like, fold yourself up and fit into a drawer! I could not tell you why one would want to be in a drawer, but I think it’s less about wanting to be in a drawer and more about being able to be in a drawer. Kind of like the whole you want to push the red button because someone told you not to, but not like that at all.

You follow?

I think I’m a claustropherless because smaller spaces I can fit into either make me feel like a giant or a human visiting a land of giants or that I’m in my own world that may contain elves and giants and no one can get to me in this world but I’ve I leave my cave corner I could very well encounter an elf or a giant.

Disclaimer: Yes I sound like a five year old, and I REGRET NOTHING (except the things I regret).


I don’t understand why people always equivocate (oh yeah, I said equivocate. Shit’s getting real) imagination with immaturity. Like, why would it be considered immature to pretend that I’m a human in a magical world. I’m not suggesting completely denying reality, but I feel like it’s more immature to reject the possibility of imagination or supposedly “childish” things just to seem like an adult. BECAUSE in that way, aren’t you then making believe that you are an adult while the person that is being patronized because of their imagination is actually comfortable with themselves and their personal reality…so therefore the person pretending to be an adult is the one who is really acting like a child and people should feel free to hang out in small spaces so that they feel like elves.

This is all hypothetical of course. I’m 20 and super cool and college and mainstream and psh yeah.

My computer is on 4%. I really hope it holds out while I continue typing. I’ll plug it in so that I can post it, but I don’t want to grab it now…

Okay…truth be told…I was gonna throw a HECK AND A HALF-TON more weird at you real fast, but I figure I should spread that out…I do in fact have to show my face to people tomorrow so I should probably ration the crazy…

Off I venture into the world of sleep. (Well…publishing then sleep)

Imagine if I edited these! I’d be up all night!

(Get it? ‘Cause that’s the premise of the whole blog? *insert shameless plug for the ABOUT page*)

Good Night and Good Morning


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